16: The Art Of Surrender with Jennifer Dukes Lee
Jennifer Dukes Lee is an author, speaker, mom and farmer’s wife. She’s also a gal who was taken on a surrender journey and graciously wrote about her lessons so that we could all learn from them. Her newest book, It’s All Under Control released in September 2018.
In This Episode You’ll Hear:
- Why Jennifer wrote It’s All Under Control and who it’s for.
- Why it’s so important to take Jesus off of our to do list.
- Why true intimacy with Jesus feels so scary.
- Jennifer’s system of Do, delegate and dismiss.
- NJ and Jennifer talk about life in Small Town, USA.
- Jennifer’s role as DJ in her country church.
Here are our biggest takeaways from this episode of the Working Christian Mom podcast with Jennifer Dukes Lee.
Your relationship with Jesus goes beyond your to do list (Starts at 8:27).
Jennifer realized that spending time with Jesus was becoming another check she could make on her to do list. In fact, she even wrote GOD at the top of her list everyday and checked it off. What she realized was that God desires for us to be ALL IN with our relationship. He wants more than just the 15 minutes we give him in the morning and He wants to be be invited in to dwell in every area of our life.
It can be scary to get real and vulnerable with Jesus…. Which is why some people keep him at arm’s length, on a to do list or in a box. (Starts at 12:33)
Jennifer thinks a big reason why this happens is because we’re afraid of what Jesus might ask us to do or tell us we need to do. We’re afraid of giving Him every nook and cranny of our lives. When she pictures Jesus, she pictures Him sitting cross legged on her bed. This helps her to remember Jesus as a friend who cares for and listens to her. NJ pictures Jesus brushing her hair…. Something her mom did for her a child (NJ’s mom passed away in 2007).
It’s 100% okay to say no… even to great things. Do, delegate, dismiss. (Starts at 28:45)
When she felt like she needed more breathing room, Jennifer asked herself what were the essentials, what could she delegate and what could be dismissed. When she did that, there were things that came across her desk that were great opportunities, but the timing was wrong for her. She said no to great things and in doing so, was able to find margin in other areas of her life. She also said no to a few volunteer opportunities in her community and to a ministry at church. Too much of a good thing is still too much.
All about It’s All Under Control
Links and products mentioned [affiliate links are used]
- Bethany House & Baker Books
- (in)Courage
- Brave Love by Lisa Leonard
- Never Unfriended by Lisa Jo Baker
- The Cozy Minimalist by the Nester
- The Cozy Minimalist Home by Myliequinn Smith
- Ruth Simmons on Instagram
About Our Guest: Jennifer Dukes Lee is the author of It’s All Under Control, The Happiness Dare and Love Idol. A former news reporter for several Midwestern newspapers, Jennifer still loves to chase a great story. Nowadays, however, she prefers to write about the remarkably good news of Jesus Christ.
Jennifer is known for her authentic voice as she encourages women to walk in freedom. She clings to the hope of the Cross and is passionate about sharing the gospel through story. She believes in miracles; she is one. She marvels at God’s unrelenting grace for people who mess up—stumbling sinners like her, who have been made whole through Christ.
Jennifer and her husband live on the Lee family farm, where they raise crops, pigs, and two humans. She attends a small country church where some Sundays you’ll find her spinning tunes as the church deejay. She’s a big fan of dark chocolate, emojis, eighties music, bright lipstick, and Netflix binges. She wants to live life in such a way that you can’t help but want more of Jesus. Connect with Jennifer: Website / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter