36: Our Big Feelings Are A Gift From God With Elizabeth Thompson

God has given us the gift of feelings, on purpose and for a reason. Elizabeth Thompson is a big feeler and well, I’m not. In this episode, we chat about navigating our feelings with Jesus, how big feelers and not so big feelers need one another and how we handle mom guilt. 

Elizabeth has a brand new book out called All The Feels which is a #1 Best Seller on Amazon. You can check it out here.

Listen to the podcast:

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Books To Read: 

Find Elizabeth On The Internet: 

Website: ElizabethLaingThompson.com  

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/alizzylife

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethlaingthompson/

About Our Guest: 

Elizabeth Laing Thompson is the author of All the Feels, When God Says, “Wait,” and When God Says, “Go.” She writes at ElizabethLaingThompson.com about clinging to Christ through the chaos of daily life. As a speaker and novelist, she loves finding humor in holiness and hope in heartache. Elizabeth lives in North Carolina with her preacher husband and four spunky kids, and they make her feel humbled but happy, exhausted but exhilarated, sometimes stressed but often silly—well, you know . . . all the feels.


  1. diziler on February 2, 2021 at 10:30 am

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